The versatility that infrared equipment offers when repairing failed asphalt pavement provides any maintenance crew with a quick and convenient solution for reoccurring problems like potholes, utility cuts and manhole repairs.
Our infrared in place asphalt recyclers offer a cost effective method for asphalt repairs. The infrared re-pair process provides a seamless repair that cost less. Repairs are completed faster than traditional methods and outperform other heating technologies. For example the ―Saw cut, Remove and Replace‖ method involves more time (approximately twice as much), equipment and manpower to complete basic asphalt repairs while leaving the customer with a ―cold‖ seam around the perimeter of the repair. The seam is the weak point and is very susceptible to damage from water seepage and ―freeze thaw‖.
The infrared asphalt recycler heats the existing asphalt in and around the area of repair to over 300 de-grees Fahrenheit; the same temperature as new asphalt when it comes fresh from the plant. At this heated temperature the softened asphalt can be re-worked. Once heated, a rejuvenation agent is mixed into the scarified asphalt to bring back the qualities of the old asphalt. Recycled or new asphalt may be added to bring a repair area up to grade, if needed, before compaction. The results from the infrared repair are a permanent and attractive repair that has recycled the existing asphalt. Considering the ever increasing price of asphalt and paying to dispose of old asphalt, this is becoming the preferred ―GREEN‖ alternative.
This process is intended for surface repair of existing localized pavement distresses due to normal use. If the pavement distress is caused by inadequate pavement thickness, weak sub-grade, poor quality of materials in adjacent areas and/or improper drainage of the pavement, the expected service life of the repair may be affected.

Why waste perfectly good asphalt?

Permanent Repair
Seamless welded edges. No saw cut joints to allow water seepage to deteriorate repair.

Cost Efficient
Little new asphalt required. No unnecessary equipment, less manpower per repair. The savings can be passed on to the customer.

Time Saving
Eliminate saw cutting, jack hammering, loading, trucking and disposal. There is only one trip to the job-site. No hole left in the parking lot waiting for mishaps.

Typical Uses
Trip hazards, paving seams, isolated failures, catch basins, manhole repairs, public utility failures, potholes, utility cuts, decorative imprints and thermoplastic markings.
